And, let me tell you, DC doesn't fuck around with freak flags. Their freak flag wore me out. They made me wonder why NYC is called the city that never sleeps.
I went as a gentleman, since they've seemed in rather short demand in recent years. A rather hastily thrown together costume, but I think it came together rather well.
All vintage, save for the gloves which are Vera Wang
I've clearly been in NYC too long, because I didn't think this simple outfit would elicit a second glance with all the slutty nemos and Chilean miners but I was wrong. Here are some things that happened throughout the evening:
- A group of girls, having looked me up and down from the back exclaimed, "oh my god, it's a girl!" upon seeing the front.

- A group of fellows I could scarcely call gentleman interrupted their homophobic stream of insults directed at another group of gentleman (who were dressed as women) to ask me, "aren't these the faggiest motherfuckers you ever seen?"
I tipped my hat to the gentlemen (ladies?) in question and replied, "No, sir. I am," before strolling on my merry way.
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