Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm Back...

I'm back! For a week, and then it's off to Nuremburg for a quick catalog shoot. I'm like...a jetsetter or something.

In the meantime, I have loads to catch up on and take care of. I should have gotten a head start this weekend but instead I played in the dirt. I find hours of gardening is a great cure for jetlag. At the end of the day I just fell into bed I was so exhausted. We also had an old friend of The Boy's over, and we had wine and risotto with asparagus and Swiss cheese (not Swiss cheese, rather cheese from Switzerland) and all in all it was an amazing weekend. 

The only dark spot is this: my beloved scooter has been fucking stolen. Who steals a scooter?! So, if anyone sees a red Fiddler LX50, tackle the driver, smack them over the head and drive it to me. If you have a spare moment, that is.

So, while the police look for it (I assume it will be their utmost priority, right? Murders and drug deals can wait. THIS IS A SCOOTER FOR GOD'S SAKE) I will be catching up on emails, drinking lots of coffee and rage cleaning the house.

Not sure yet how to organize my thoughts/pictures/etc. from the trip. We crammed so much into those 6 days that I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the information. If anyone has any input on what you'd like to see, let me know!


  1. re: "If anyone has any input on what you'd like to see, let me know!"

    you know what i like.

  2. HAha!! Your blog is super entertaining!! I'm following now :) care to check out my blog?!

    I got a Britney Spears poster, about 30 CDs, and a Mickey Mouse wallet with like $5 bucks in it when I was like 9 so your not alone on having totally random items getting robbed from your home ;D
