Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer Style and Drinks

Speaking of style
Many of my friends bemoan the limitations of summer style and by August are wistfully looking at coats and scarves online. I, on the other hand, totally love summertime clothes. That is because I am a slightly trashy person who thinks all girls look good in cutoff shorts and polka dots are just tops in terms of style.
Exhibit A: Polka Dots
That said, any and all appreciation for even the concept of clothing went out the window when our air conditioning broke. It is hot, yall. Real hot. And pants and I are not the closest of friends even in cooler times, so I have been taking everrrrrry opportunity possible to lounge around in my underwear.  But I can't stand in front of my open freezer in The Boy's boxers all the time. Some of the time I have to wear clothes.
Top: H&M, Shorts: Robert Robdriguez, Sunglasses: Luca Luca

So these are some of the things that I wouldn't hate wearing:

Summer Style- Polka Dots

Aforementioned polka dots. They are simultaneously ladylike and chic with just a hint of a pink umbrella and a snap of gum.

Summer Style- Loafers

Don't get me wrong, I love heels. It's kind of one of my things. But heels and shorts or even heels with short dresses are a tricky endeavor, especially if you're given to falling asleep with your legs splayed on the train. Loafers are great because if they're interesting enough they distract from the fact that they make your legs look short. And, if you want to go with a heel, how amazing are those Pierre Hardy beauties? I die.

Summer Style- Brights

I was a little slow to jump on the neon/brights bandwagon. One of my friends has been wearing it flawlessly since high school, and she set the bar pretty high. So when I wear neon I tend to shoot for Ernest Hemingway meets Cindy Lauper and I think I come out ok.

Whilst wearing these clothes, I recommend drinking the following concoction:
Scoop of Apricot Rosemary Gelato from Whole Foods*
Splash of St. Germain

Any gelato works, but that apricot stuff is to die for.

Hope you're all staying cool and avoiding pants. They're just the worst. 

*Whole Foods- where the official motto is "Why pay less?"


  1. stunning,love it,love it…the fashion is just so awesome,love the images…love your blog xo

  2. hey, very nice post... like Polka Dots :)


  3. I have to try that fabulous drink.
