Thursday, January 26, 2012

Boring Update

This week has been fairly hectic between styling a shoot, going back to school and cultivating an obsession with the BBC show Sherlock.
This is almost all of my attractive clothing.
And while much of that week has been bundled up beyond recognition I've found a few creative ways to stay warm.
Poncho: Grandmother's, Gloves: Cynthia Rowley, Jeans: H&M, Boots: Dolce Vita
Ponchos are creative, right?

I love these boots so much I'm thinking about getting them in red.

Subtle and understated, no?
In other news, I've been thinking about the format of the blog and what direction it should take, and if you have any feedback it would be more than welcome. After all, the more you talk, the less work I have to do tracking the numbers. What do you like to read? Fashion posts? Unwanted Advice? Sappy sentimental stuff? Outfit posts?  Random ramblings?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not going to lie. Sherlock rocks my world as well. I have way to huge an obsession with him to. I think it is a secret longing to be the type of woman a man of that intellect (and accent) would find fascinating.
